Vance Was Slimy, Walz Was Weak

Published at 20:24 on 1 October 2024

Vance was a classic slimy pol who knew what needed to be said at a given moment… and said it, regardless of whether or not he actually believed it. In fact, it is hard to say exactly what Vance actually believes.

Unlike Trump, Vance has self-control, and managed to exercise it. Nobody with half a brain who follows how much Vance has changed his tune depending on a given situation found it remotely plausible. The rub is, many voters are idiots without so much as half a brain, so it probably was an effective strategy.

Walz, when faced with a Trump fascist, chose to mostly play Minnesota Nice. Make no mistake: that is who he was faced with; a Trump fascist by virtue of political calculation (as opposed to true conviction) is still a Trump fascist. He could have gone for the jugular a number of times (on democracy, on Vance’s lies regarding his stances on abortion, on Project 2025, etc.), but he mostly chose not to.

It is precisely this nauseating tendency to meet evil with weakness that just irritates the living fuck out of me when it comes to liberals. But I digress.

Walz also just generally came off as weak and unsure, stumbling over his words a number of times and repeatedly checking his notes.

But, Walz didn’t self-destruct like Biden did in the first debate and Trump did in the second, and it was a Vice-Presidential debate, not a Presidential one, so the net effect on the polling needle will probably be small, possibly immeasurable.


  • This whole Trump/Harris hype is the usual hype, nothing changed except that Trump is more openly a “playa” while the dems, as usual, are cammo’d.

    For those who have been surrounded by Trump-type hype (as opposed to dem hype), they will appear to be stupid, to all those whom are not in that proverbial loop. And vice versa, they will view dems. All not seeing how we are collectively ideologically “kept”.

    Further, at least Trump is OPENLY manipulative. This reminds me of how Black folks are known to regard racism. Have you heard this before? The idea that those whom are OPENLY racist is preferred, over the SUBTLE racists, because then at least, Blacks and other racial minorities know where they stand.

    Maybe i’m “grasping for straws” by making this comparison; but i’m only trying to shed light on how different communities of people are hyped-up and kept so and how this is very similar across “the political spectrum” in my view.

    Dialog welcome!

    (For the naive Dem(ocrat) lovers, who recalls Michael Moore exposing the fact that the Democratic Party lied about West Virginia’s 55 counties all voting Democrat? That, in fact, (in which film he did, i don’t readily recall) ALL 55 COUNTIES in W.Virginia voted for Bernie Sanders! (And, of course, Bernie went along *quietly* with the ‘Democratic Convention’ lies!)

    To me the entire spectacle boils down to a big meta game, the elites maintaining it merely for its usefulness in distracting the bewildered herd a little longer.

  • I think it is fundamentally an error to see Trump as merely another instance of a bourgeois politician. He’s clearly a fascist, and that is clearly more dangerous than bourgeois liberalism or conservatism.

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