It’s Walz

Published at 07:32 on 6 August 2024

So it’s Walz. Sort of a surprise, though he was always listed as one of the finalists.

It’s a risky move: two liberals on the ticket, neither one from a swing state. One wrinkle is that Walz is an excellent propagandist; this, in addition to his politics, is likely what Harris found appealing in him.

If it does work (and that’s definitely an if), the resulting Harris/Walz victory will be pretty close to the ultimate electoral slap in the face to Trumpism, because it will mean that enough fence-sitters found flat-out liberalism to be a more attractive message than Trump’s warmed-over fascism.

Mind you, it’s certainly possible that it could work, much as I might have preferred not to run this sort of risk in such a high-stakes election. In a more normal election, I would have said “Go for it.” I have long been an advocate of trying to make a left of center message more appealing to the middle, and Walz excels at this. So many Americans are political unsophisticates that effective propaganda can buy one a whole lot. But I digress.

So, at this point, despite Harris’ unconventional choice, the election is still anyone’s to win.

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