…And He Won’t Be Indicted Today, Either
Published at 09:04 on 22 March 2023
In the least surprising news since the Sun rising on time, Trump wasn’t indicted yesterday. This is for the simple reason that he will not be indicted. The system acts to protect the most powerful, even when those most powerful threaten the system itself. It is that rotten and corrupted.
I mean, really now, I am supposed to believe that a relatively minor hush money payment to a porn star is an indictable offense for someone whom the system refuses to indict for a fucking coup attempt? How is that the least bit plausible?
Get it straight. Trump was not indicted for the events of January 6th, he won’t be indicted for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels, and he won’t be indicted for anything else.
I am sorry that it greatly inconveniences some of you to believe the state of democratic decline in the USA is as severe as I have written it is here, time and time again, but all the best available evidence is thoroughly consistent with my thesis.
The old Republic has basically already died at this point. It is merely that the corpse has not started bloating and stinking yet, so many can still be in denial about it.
P.S. Nobody took me up on my USD $100 offer. That alone should serve as evidence that even though many won’t openly admit I am right, in the depths of their heart they know I probably am. Money talks, bullshit walks.