The Go Programming Language: Too Minimalist

Published at 18:55 on 15 August 2023

I first ran into this many years ago, when Go was first released by Google and I played with it a bit. I ran into a situation where a ternary (aka conditional) operator would be handy, only to discover that it doesn’t exist in Go. OK, then, maybe I can use an if statement as an expression? Sorry, in Go if is strictly a statement and not an expression. So I sighed, introduced an extra variable into my code that otherwise would not be needed, and coded an if / then / else statement.

Then earlier this year I run into an issue with Helm, which is written in Go. I was trying to use it to generate a YAML file from a template, and was getting tripped up because Helm was sometimes inserting newlines into the output. This can happen in Python, too, but there is a way to disable the feature. Surprisingly, there was no way to disable it in Helm, because Helm of course uses the Go YAML library, and that feature is absent there. You will get your gratuitous newlines, and you will shut up and learn to like it. Lovely.

Maybe those two experiences should have been sufficient to warn me, but no. I was determined to give Go another chance. So I decide to revisit the language by rewriting a Python program in it.

That program’s purpose is to detect and report characters and byte sequences in source code files that are likely to be troublesome. My motive for writing it was when I once wasted most of my day trying to find a Java bug caused by a Unicode zero-width space in a source file. So it ends up being a pretty good exerciser of a language’s character set conversion libraries.

Again, Go fell short in the feature department. One of the Unicode character classes is Cn, unassigned code points. Such things, being undefined in behavior by the Unicode standard, are nothing but trouble and so should be reported as troublesome. But wait! Go does have a library that defines Unicode character classes, but for some reason the Cn class is missing. It’s possible to code around this (with some lossage) so I do.

Then I run into another problem: detecting invalid byte sequences in an input file. Go simply replaces these with the Unicode replacement character, code point U+FFFD. But what if a source file has such a character in it, then what? In Go, it is impossible to tell if the character is actually there (and sometimes I might want to allow it, and let it silently be accepted), or if it was inserted by the appropriate encoding.Decoder method in response to encountering an invalid byte sequence (which should definitely always be reported).

In Python or Java (and I assume most other languages), it is no problem: one can tell the decoder to signal an error on an invalid byte sequence if returning replacement characters is somehow unacceptable. Not so in Go. You will get replacement characters, and you will shut up and learn to like it.

It’s still possible to write the program, of course. It just ends up being unnecessarily quirky, failing sometimes to detect unassigned characters, and raising false alarms about bad byte sequences if a file contains completely valid replacement characters in it.

But why? Why choose a programming language that breeds quirks and unexpected surprises? Such things are bad, whether they arise from excessive complexity or excessive minimalism.

And these are not the only examples I have run across (both in the last few days and earlier), either; they are merely the ones that fit best into the story I have related here.

It all makes me appreciate more just what a good job Guido did in striking a good compromise between complexity and minimalism in the Python programming language.

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