Java Community Antipatterns, an Ongoing Series

Published at 08:35 on 12 August 2023

So I’m starting to play with the Go programming language again, mainly because in many ways it’s the anti-Java (it is not even a fully object-oriented language, by design). It was written mainly by Rob Pike, who is part of the old Bell Labs software culture that is generally skeptical of object-oriented programming, for many of the same reasons that I have come to be skeptical of it. One of those reasons is that excessive reliance on the object paradigm tends to breed unnecessary complexity.

Generally, when I have a question, I can find an answer in the documentation fairly easily. This morning, I had a build system question I could not easily find an answer to. So I decided to figure it out by looking at what the developers of a well-known, open-source software project in Go had done. I chose Helm.

It only took a few minutes of examining the source code to figure it all out. With Java, I would have pissed away half a day, easy. Instead of a Makefile, there would have been pom.xml (Maven) or build.gradle (Gradle). Both are incredibly complicated compared to Make, and both inevitably involve the use of multiple plugins that are also incredibly complicated. I would have been combing through documentation and scratching my head for hours.

Instead, boom! Answer obtained, in the space of a few minutes. The way it should be.

And Helm is not a small or simple project. In other words, despite its simplicity, Go seems to be every bit as powerful and useful a language as Java. More powerful and more useful, in fact, since it is easier to use, and one can spend time focusing on designing software instead of battling the (unnecessary) complexity of the overall programming environment.

But wait, there’s more! Just like the gratuitous complexity of the standard Java class library has proven contagious, the clean simplicity of the base Go programming environment seems equally contagious. I decided to satisfy a bit of intellectual curiosity about how Helm did something. This is something that frequently takes me hours with a Java project. But not here! Within a minute, I found the relevant bit of source code and my question was answered.

Which, again, is the way it should be.

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