All taken on film, mostly with the new-to-me Olympus XA, some with my Pentax ZX-M film SLR. Click the thumbnails to enlarge.
It seems as if the protests at the Olympic torch relay are starting to hit home.
Prompted by being kept housebound by a nasty cold, I dug my best shortwave receiver out from under the bed and strung a crude indoor antenna (sufficient to receive the strongest stations) for it. Up until this evening, China Radio International had been basically ignoring stories of the protests. Now they are tut-tutting about how sports and politics supposedly don’t mix.
Which, hopefully, serves as some sort of indication of what’s being said in the domestic media in China: enough, if one reads between the lines and adjusts for the bias, to make it clear that China’s Tibet policy is very controversial internationally.
It turns out that what I thought was a nice and warm and fuzzy animal welfare orginazation advocates killing pit bulls simply because they are pit bulls.
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